Nurturing Weekend Retreat for Mesothelioma Patients and Their Families

When dealing with any kind of cancer, especially a rare cancer such as mesothelioma, patients and their families often need emotional support as they come to terms with the diagnosis. While support groups are helpful, they often meet for just one hour weekly or sometimes less often. The Living Well With Cancer weekend workshop, however, offers cancer patients three days of nurturing and healing.
The Living Well conference is held August 16-18 at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York in the Hudson Valley. The lineup of presentations and sessions offer attendees information designed to “educate, and empower you on your cancer journey as you learn how to take care of your body while honoring and embracing all aspects of your humanity,” according to the website.
Presenters during the event include:
- Jeffrey Geffen, oncologist, author of The Journey Through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person and the founder of Geffen Visions International, Inc. Geffen developed The Seven Levels of Healing.
- Kathy LaTour, breast cancer survivor, author and performer of her one-woman show, One Mutant Cell.
- Sandra Gilbert, yoga professional and coordinator for YCat: Yoga Therapy in Cancer and Chronic Illness.
- Sharon A. Bray, EdD, writer, educator, and author of two books on writing and health, When Words Heal: Writing Through Cancer and A Healing Journey: Writing Together Through Breast Cancer.
During the two and one-half day conference, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in yoga sessions, and group walks. They will be entertained by comedian Scott Burton, and Kathy LaTour as she performs “One Mutant Cell.” Most importantly, though, cancer patients will learn skills “that create a high-quality life while living with cancer and afterward.”
Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer of the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart caused by past exposure to asbestos. Nearly 3,000 Americans are diagnosed with the cancer each year. Research has shown that patients who focus on the power of the mind-body connection and choose to be optimistic and positive will realize a higher quality of life and may respond better to treatments. In addition, cancer patients who practice yoga and stay active by walking and getting outside are shown to have less stress and anxiety than those who remain sedentary.
The organizers of the weekend realize that the financial commitment for an event like this may prevent some cancer patients from attending. As a result, tiered pricing is available to help make this affordable for all.
See the Living Well With Cancer website for pricing and registration information.
Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide
We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.
It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.
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