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Exposed to Asbestos working at Paper Mill

Paper mill workers operate all aspects of a paper mill, including paper machines, pumps, valves, digesters, evaporators, and boilers.

Many factories used paper mill equipment to make other products like tiles and boards. Paper mills are dusty, noisy places. Pulp and paper workers operate machinery that converts wood chips and plant fibers into paper and other products, including:

Fiber board
Paper board
Ceiling tile
All of these processes are very hot. Asbestos was widely used in boilers, pumps, valves, and processing equipment.


Started out on a what they call a clean-up crew, until a job opened, and the first job that I went on to was the coater room, which coats the paper. I worked in there for approximately seven months, and then I went into the, what they call the finishing room, driving a forklift, serving the different machines, bringing raw paper to them, or coated paper to them. The winders would ... winders and sheeters would take the paper down and put it into roll form, or skid form, sheet form. Then we would take it out into the warehouse, all wrapped. And, of course, all the raw materials that these different machines had to have, we supplied them with it.

Then I [inaudible 00:01:28] out into the shipping receiving, and spent the remainder of the time in shipping receiving, but as time went on, I moved up in the different jobs that they had out on the docks.


... well, bags of asbestos.


We use that. Bring them in on trailers, trucks, and unload them, and some would be broken, and we'd sweep it up, and then also take the paper asbestos to the tank farm, which is the room where they mix it, for the paper, and sometimes we'd be in there doing other duties in the tank farm, while they were putting this in the solution.


... steam pipes, coverings to the steam pipes, valves, packing to the motors-

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