Finding Comfort in Stories After Losing a Loved One

Words are powerful things. They can lift spirits, they can bring comfort, they have the ability to calm us. When you are talking with someone who has lost a loved one to mesothelioma, or any reason for that matter, words need to be chosen with care.
For me, I found a lot of comfort in stories that people shared with me about Dad. I love hearing how he did something nice for someone, how he played a joke on someone, or how he fell for a joke that someone played on him. A relative even brought 50 cents to the viewing. It was from someone who owed it to Dad for a bicycle he sold to him 50 years ago. These things brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart.
Seeing how many people cared about Dad was overwhelming to me. Each person had something to share and just wanted to show our family that they support us and are here for us. Sometimes, just the presence of friends and loved ones says more than you could ever articulate with words.
A lot of people aren’t really sure what to say in this type of situation. Some said nothing, which is fine. Others simply told us that they didn’t know what to say! I appreciated these people who assured us of their prayers. After all, it’s what we needed (and still need) the most.
When you talk with a person who has lost someone dear to them, be genuine. It will be appreciated and treasured more than you can know!
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