Asbestos Exposure on Amphibious Warships

Amphibious Warships are vessels designed to land and assist ground troops in battle. These ships provide cover and suppressive fire, as well as vehicular support from tanks, helicopters, and various other units brought ashore aboard the ship. Known by the nickname “gator freighters,” Amphibious Warships came into wide use during the Second World War, when the complexity of coastal assaults created a need for highly specialized support vessels.
U.S. Navy ships built from the mid-1930s until the 70s made liberal use of asbestos in much of the equipment on board, such as boilers, turbines, pumps, valves, and other propulsion equipment. It is likely that most veterans who served on Amphibious Warships built prior to the 1970s were exposed to some level of asbestos, leaving them susceptible to mesothelioma.
Belluck & Fox LLP is a nationally recognized law firm based in New York that represents veterans and merchant mariners with asbestos and mesothelioma claims. Belluck & Fox, LLP has won more than $500 million in compensation for its clients and their families. We can help you.
For a free case evaluation, contact the firm at 877-637-6843 or through the online contact form.
- USS Accomac
- USS Achernar
- USS Adair
- USS Adirondack
- USS Alamance
- USS Alamo
- USS Alchiba
- USS Alcyone
- USS Algol
- USS Algorab
- USS Alhena
- USS Allendale
- USS Almaack
- USS Alpine
- USS Alshain
- USS American Legion
- USS Amesbury
- USS Anchorage
- USS Ancon
- USS Andromeda
- USS Appalachian
- USS Appling
- USS Aquarius
- USS Arcturus
- USS Arenac
- USS Arneb
- USS Artemis
- USS Arthur L. Bristol
- USS Arthur Middleton
- USS Ashland
- USS Athene
- USS Attala
- USS Auburn
- USS Audrain
- USS Audubon
- USS Aurelia
- USS Austin
- USS Balduck
- USS Bandera
- USS Banner
- USS Barber
- USS Barnett
- USS Barnstable
- USS Barnwell
- USS Barr
- USS Barrow
- USS Barry
- USS Bassett
- USS Bates
- USS Baxter
- USS Bayfield
- USS Beckham
- USS Begor
- USS Begor
- USS Belet
- USS Belknap
- USS Bellatrix
- USS Belle Grove
- USS Belleau Wood
- USS Benawah
- USS Bergen
- USS Berrien
- USS Betelgeuse
- USS Beverly W. Reid
- USS Bexar
- USS Bingham
- USS Birgit
- USS Biscayne
- USS Bladen
- USS Bland
- USS Blessman
- USS Block Island
- USS Blue Ridge
- USS Bolivar
- USS Bollinger
- USS Borum
- USS Bosque
- USS Botetourt
- USS Bottineau
- USS Bowers
- USS Bowie
- USS Boxer
- USS Bracken
- USS Braxton
- USS Bray
- USS Briscoe
- USS Broadwater
- USS Brock
- USS Bronx
- USS Brookings
- USS Brooks
- USS Brule
- USS Buckingham
- USS Bull
- USS Bunch
- USS Burdo
- USS Burke
- USS Burleigh
- USS Burleson
- USS Butte
- USS Cabildo
- USS Callaway
- USS Calvert
- USS Capricornus
- USS Carlisle
- USS Carpellotti
- USS Carronade
- USS Carter Hall
- USS Carteret
- USS Casa Grande
- USS Caswell
- USS Catamount
- USS Catoctin
- USS Catron
- USS Catskill
- USS Cavalier
- USS Cavallaro
- USS Cecil
- USS Centaurus
- USS Cepheus
- USS Chara
- USS Charles Carroll
- USS Charles Lawrence
- USS Charleston
- USS Chase
- USS Chilton
- USS Circe
- USS Clarendon
- USS Clarion River
- USS Clay
- USS Clearfield
- USS Cleburne
- USS Clemson
- USS Clermont
- USS Cleveland
- USS Clinton
- USS Coates
- USS Cofer
- USS Colbert
- USS Colhoun
- USS Colleton
- USS Collingsworth
- USS Colonial
- USS Colusa
- USS Comstock
- USS Cook
- USS Coronado
- USS Cortland
- USS Corvus
- USS Cottle
- USS Cread
- USS Crenshaw
- USS Crescent City
- USS Crittenden
- USS Crockett
- USS Crosby
- USS Crosley
- USS Cullman
- USS Custer
- USS Dade
- USS Dane
- USS Daniel T. Griffin
- USS Darke
- USS Dauphin
- USS Dawson
- USS DeLong
- USS Dent
- USS Denver
- USS Deuel
- USS Devosa
- USS Diachenko
- USS Dickens
- USS Dickerson
- USS Diphda
- USS Don O. Woods
- USS Donald W. Wolf
- USS Donner
- USS Dorchester
- USS Doyen
- USS Drew
- USS Dubuque
- USS Duluth
- USS Dupage
- USS Duplin
- USS Durham
- USS Durik
- USS Dutchess
- USS Earhart
- USS Earle B. Hall
- USS Eastland
- USS Edgecombe
- USS Effingham
- USS El Paso
- USS Eldorado
- USS Electra
- USS Elkhart
- USS Elmore
- USS England
- USS Enright
- USS Epping Forest
- USS Estes
- USS Fallon
- USS Fayette
- USS Feland
- USS Fergus
- USS Fillmore
- USS Fomalhaut
- USS Fond du Lac
- USS Fort Fisher
- USS Fort Mandan
- USS Fort Marion
- USS Fort Snelling
- USS Frament
- USS Francis Marion
- USS Francovich
- USS Frederick Funston
- USS Freestone
- USS Fremont
- USS Fuller
- USS Gage
- USS Gallatin
- USS Gantner
- USS Garrard
- USS Gasconade
- USS Geneva
- USS George Clymer
- USS George E. Badger
- USS George W. Ingram
- USS Gilliam
- USS Gilmer
- USS Glynn
- USS Goldsborough
- USS Goodhue
- USS Goshen
- USS Gosper
- USS Gosselin
- USS Grafton
- USS Granville
- USS Greene
- USS Gregory
- USS Griggs
- USS Grimes
- USS Grundy
- USS Guadalcanal
- USS Guam
- USS Guilford
- USS Gunston Hall
- USS Haines
- USS Hamblen
- USS Hampton
- USS Hanover
- USS Hansford
- USS Harris
- USS Harry L. Corl
- USS Harry Lee
- USS Haskell
- USS Hayter
- USS Hendry
- USS Henrico
- USS Henry T Allen
- USS Herbert
- USS Hermitage
- USS Heywood
- USS Highlands
- USS Hinsdale
- USS Hocking
- USS Hollis
- USS Hopping
- USS Horace A. Bass
- USS Hubbard
- USS Hulbert
- USS Humphreys
- USS Hunter Liggett
- USS Hunter Marshall
- USS Hyde
- USS Hydrus
- USS Inchon
- USS Ira Jeffery
- USS Iwo Jima
- USS J. Franklin Bell
- USS Jack C. Robinson
- USS James O’Hara
- USS Jenks
- USS Jerauld
- USS John P. Gray
- USS John Penn
- USS John Q. Roberts
- USS Joseph E. Campbell
- USS Joseph M. Auman
- USS Joseph T. Dickman
- USS Julius A. Raven
- USS Juneau
- USS Kane
- USS Karnes
- USS Kenton
- USS Kephart
- USS Kershaw
- USS Kilty
- USS Kingsbury
- USS Kinzer
- USS Kirwin
- USS Kittson
- USS Kleinsmith
- USS Kline
- USS Knox
- USS Knudson
- USS La Grange
- USS La Porte
- USS Lacerta
- USS Lamar
- USS Lander
- USS Lanier
- USS Laning
- USS LaSalle
- USS Latimer
- USS Lauderdale
- USS Laurens
- USS Lavaca
- USS Lee Fox
- USS Leedstown
- USS Lenawee
- USS Lenoir
- USS Leo
- USS Leon
- USS Leonard Wood
- USS Libra
- USS Liddle
- USS Lindenwald
- USS Little
- USS Lloyd
- USS Logan
- USS Lowndes
- USS Loy
- USS Lubbock
- USS Lumen
- USS Lycoming
- USS Magoffin
- USS Maloy
- USS Manley
- USS Marquette
- USS Marvin H. McIntyre
- USS Mathews
- USS McCawley
- USS McCracken
- USS McFarland
- USS McKean
- USS Medea
- USS Mellena
- USS Mellette
- USS Menard
- USS Mendocino
- USS Menifee
- USS Mercer
- USS Meriwether
- USS Merrick
- USS Mifflin
- USS Missoula
- USS Mobile
- USS Monitor
- USS Monrovia
- USS Montague
- USS Montauk
- USS Monticello
- USS Montour
- USS Montrose
- USS Mount McKinley
- USS Mount Olympus
- USS Mount Vernon
- USS Mount Whitney
- USS Mountrail
- USS Muliphen
- USS Myers
- USS Napa
- USS Napa
- USS Nashville
- USS Nassau
- USS Natrona
- USS Navarro
- USS Neshoba
- USS Neville
- USS New Hanover
- USS New Kent
- USS New Orleans
- USS Newberry
- USS Newman
- USS Niagara
- USS Noa
- USS Noble
- USS Oak Hill
- USS Oberon
- USS Oconto
- USS Odum
- USS Ogden
- USS Oglethorpe
- USS Okaloosa
- USS Okanogan
- USS Okinawa
- USS Olmstead
- USS Oneida
- USS Ormsby
- USS Osage
- USS Osmond Ingram
- USS Ostara
- USS Ottawa
- USS Overton
- USS Oxford
- USS Ozark
- USS Pamina
- USS Panamint
- USS Paul Revere
- USS Pavlic
- USS Peleliu
- USS Pensacola
- USS Pickaway
- USS Pickens
- USS Pierce
- USS Pitt
- USS Plymouth Rock
- USS Pocono
- USS Point Defiance
- USS Polana
- USS Ponce
- USS Pondera
- USS Portland
- USS Prentiss
- USS President Adams
- USS President Hayes
- USS President Jackson
- USS President Polk
- USS President Monroe
- USS Presidio
- USS Princeton
- USS Procyon
- USS Queens
- USS Raleigh
- USS Randall
- USS Rankin
- USS Rathburne
- USS Rawlins
- USS Ray K. Edwards
- USS Raymon W. Herndon
- USS Rednour
- USS Reeves
- USS Register
- USS Renate
- USS Renville
- USS Ringness
- USS Riverside
- USS Rockbridge
- USS Rockingham
- USS Rockwall
- USS Rocky Mount
- USS Rogers Blood
- USS Rolette
- USS Roper
- USS Roxane
- USS Ruchamkin
- USS Runels
- USS Rushmore
- USS Rutland
- USS Saint Croix
- USS Saipan
- USS Samuel Chase
- USS San Marcos
- USS San Saba
- USS Sanborn
- USS Sandoval
- USS Sands
- USS Sappho
- USS Sarasota
- USS Sarita
- USS Saugus
- USS Scania
- USS Schley
- USS Schmitt
- USS Scott
- USS Scribner
- USS Selinur
- USS Seminole
- USS Sevier
- USS Shadwell
- USS Shelby
- USS Sheliak
- USS Sherburne
- USS Sheridan
- USS Shoshone
- USS Shreveport
- USS Sibley
- USS Sidonia
- USS Sims
- USS Sirona
- USS Sitka
- USS Skagit
- USS Southampton
- USS Spiegel Grove
- USS St. Louis
- USS St. Louis
- USS St. Mary’s
- USS Starr
- USS Stokes
- USS Stringham
- USS Suffolk
- USS Sumter
- USS Sylvania
- USS Tabora
- USS Taconic
- USS Talbot
- USS Talladega
- USS Tarawa
- USS Tate
- USS Tattnall
- USS Tatum
- USS Tazewell
- USS Telfair
- USS Teton
- USS Theenim
- USS Thetis Bay
- USS Thomas Jefferson
- USS Thomas Stone
- USS Thomaston
- USS Thuban
- USS Titania
- USS Todd
- USS Tolland
- USS Tollberg
- USS Torrance
- USS Tortuga
- USS Towner
- USS Trego
- USS Trenton
- USS Tripoli
- USS Troilus
- USS Trousdale
- USS Truxtun
- USS Tulare
- USS Tulare
- USS Turandot
- USS Tyrrell
- USS Union
- USS Upham
- USS Uvalde
- USS Valencia
- USS Valeria
- USS Valley Forge
- USS Vanadis
- USS Vancouver
- USS Venango
- USS Veritas
- USS Vermilion
- USS Vinton
- USS Virgo
- USS Walsh
- USS Walter B. Cobb
- USS Walter S. Gorka
- USS Walter X. Young
- USS Wantuck
- USS Ward
- USS Warren
- USS Warrick
- USS Wasatch
- USS Washburn
- USS Waters
- USS Wayne
- USS Weber
- USS Weiss
- USS Westmorela
- USS Wheatland
- USS Whetstone
- USS White Marsh
- USS Whiteside
- USS Whitley
- USS William
- USS William J. Pattison
- USS William M. Hobby
- USS Williamsburg
- USS Williamson
- USS Windsor
- USS Winston
- USS Witter
- USS Woodford
- USS Wyandot
- USS Xenia
- USS Yancey
- USS Yokes
- USS Zeilin
- USS Zenobia
Check out also asbestos exposure on U.S. Ammunition ships.