Asbestos Exposure on Escort Carriers

A smaller, lighter version of a standard Aircraft Carrier, Escort Carriers primary advantage was their cost and ease of construction. This allowed the U.S. Navy to send in these ships when otherwise faced with a lack of carriers. Typically, Escort Carriers were used to defend Ally Convoys against German U-Boats in WWII.
As they were mostly constructed and used during the Second World War, Escort Carriers were built with a significant amount of equipment made from or containing asbestos. Boilers, pumps, valves, turbines, and other steam propulsion equipment utilized the carcinogen, leaving those who worked in boiler and engine spaces at especially high risk of exposure. Veterans who were exposed to asbestos in the line of duty are at risk of developing mesothelioma.
Belluck & Fox LLP is a nationally recognized law firm based in New York that represents veterans and merchant mariners with asbestos and mesothelioma claims. Belluck & Fox, LLP has won more than $500 million in compensation for its clients and their families. We can help you.
For a free case evaluation, contact the firm at 877-637-6843 or through the online contact form.
- USS Admiralty Islands
- USS Altamaha (CVE-6)
- USS Altamaha (CVE-18)
- USS Attu (CVE-102)
- USS Badoeng Strait (CVE-116)
- USS Baffins (CVE-35)
- USS Bairoko (CVE-115)
- USS Barnes (CVE-7)
- USS Barnes (CVE-20)
- USS Barnes
- USS Bastian (CVE-37)
- USS Bismarck Sea (CVE-95)
- USS Block Island (CVE-8)
- USS Block Island (CVE-21)
- USS Block Island (CVE-106)
- USS Bogue (CVE-9)
- USS Bolinas (CVE-36)
- USS Bougainville (CVE-100)
- USS Breton
- USS Cape Esperance (CVE-88)
- USS Cape Gloucester (CVE-109)
- USS Card (CVE-11)
- USS Carnegie (CVE-38)
- USS Casablanca (CVE-55)
- USS Charger
- USS Chatham (CVE-32)
- USS Chenango
- USS Commencement Bay (CVE-105)
- USS Copahee (CVE-12)
- USS Coral Sea/Anzio (CVE-57)
- USS Cordova(CVE-39)
- USS Core (CVE-13)
- USS Corregidor (CVE-58)
- USS Croatan (CVE-14)
- USS Croatan (CVE-25)
- USS Croatan
- USS Delgada (CVE-40)
- USS Didrickson Bay/Tripoli
- USS Edisto (CVE-41)
- USS Estero (CVE-42)
- USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70)
- USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73)
- USS Gilbert Islands (CVE-107)
- USS Glacier (CVE-33)
- USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60)
- USS Hamlin (CVE-15)
- USS Hoggatt Bay (CVE-73)
- USS Hollandia (CVE-97)
- USS Jamaica (CVE-43)
- USS Kadashan Bay (CVE-76)
- USS Kalinin Bay (CVE-68)
- USS Kasaan Bay (CVE-69)
- USS Keweenaw (CVE-44)
- USS Kitkun Bay (CVE-71)
- USS Kula Gulf (CVE-108)
- USS Kwajalein (CVE-98)
- USS Liscome Bay (CVE-56)
- USS Long Island
- USS Lunga Point (CVE-94)
- USS Makassar Strait (CVE-91)
- USS Makin Island (CVE-93)
- USS Manila Bay (CVE-61)
- USS Marcus Island (CVE-77)
- USS Matanikau (CVE-101)
- USS Midway/St. Lo (CVE-63)
- USS Mindoro (CVE-120)
- USS Mission Bay (CVE-59)
- USS Munda (CVE-104)
- USS Nassau (CVE-16)
- USS Natoma Bay (CVE-62)
- USS Nehenta Bay (CVE-74)
- USS Niantic (CVE-46)
- USS Ommaney Bay (CVE-79)
- USS Palau (CVE-122)
- USS Perdido (CVE-47)
- USS Petrof Bay (CVE-80)
- USS Point Cruz (CVE-119)
- USS Prince (CVE-45)
- USS Prince William (CVE-19)
- USS Prince William (CVE-31)
- USS Puget Sound (CVE-113)
- USS Pybus (CVE-34)
- USS Rabaul (CVE-121)
- USS Rendova (CVE-114)
- USS Roi (CVE-103)
- USS Rudyerd Bay (CVE-81)
- USS Saginaw Bay (CVE-82)
- USS Saidor (CVE-117)
- USS Salamaua (CVE-96)
- USS Salerno Bay (CVE-110)
- USS Sangamon
- USS Santee
- USS Sargent Bay (CVE-83)
- USS Savo Island (CVE-78)
- USS Shamrock Bay (CVE-84)
- USS Shipley Bay
- USS Siboney (CVE-112)
- USS Sicily (CVE-118)
- USS Sitkoh Bay (CVE-86)
- USS Solomons (CVE-67)
- USS St. Andrews (CVE-49)
- USS St. George (CVE-17)
- USS St. Joseph (CVE-50)
- USS St. Simon (CVE-51)
- USS Steamer Bay (CVE-87)
- USS Sunset (CVE-48)
- USS Suwannee
- USS Takanis Bay (CVE-89)
- USS Thetis Bay (CVE-90)
- USS Tinian (CVE-123)
- USS Tripoli (CVE-64)
- USS Tulagi (CVE-72)
- USS Vella Gulf (CVE-111)
- USS Vermillion (CVE-52)
- USS Wake Island (CVE-65)
- USS White Plains (CVE-66)
- USS Willapa (CVE-53)
- USS Windham Bay (CVE-92)
- USS Winjah (CVE-54)