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Starting Your Fundraising Efforts for the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation

Working with the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has given me so much. My family and I have received invaluable advice and direction, made new friends, and have gotten the opportunity to give back in so many ways. I was put in touch with them by a friend who had also directed us to New York City for Dad’s treatment.

When I first contacted the Meso Foundation, I had no idea what to expect. What would I ask? Who would I talk to? Could they really help me? To be honest, I don’t remember a lot of the details of what I said, but I do remember feeling hopeful after my initial conversation. I realized that the staff there were knowledgeable, compassionate people who are experts in the field of mesothelioma.

Once Dad arrived home from the hospital after his pleurectomy, we knew that we wanted to give back somehow and try to help the Meso Foundation continue to make a profound difference in mesothelioma research, advocacy, and support. We began planning our first fundraiser shortly after.

The Meso Foundation has an amazing fundraising coordinator and a great team who can help you get on your way. They can provide you with ideas, or help you turn your idea into a reality. Once your event is complete, it’s a great idea to ask corporations and local businesses to match your contribution, doubling the amount you are able to donate.

I am proud to be a member of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation’s Rising Leaders Council, a group of young advocates dedicated to working toward the goal of finding a cure for this awful disease. If you would like more information on the Meso Foundation and their life changing work, please visit curemeso.org.

Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide

Free Mesothelioma Patient & Treatment Guide

We’d like to offer you our in-depth guide, “A Patient’s Guide to Mesothelioma,” absolutely free of charge.

It contains a wealth of information and resources to help you better understand the condition, choose (and afford) appropriate treatment, and exercise your legal right to compensation.

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