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Mesothelioma Widow Adjusts to New Routine

Grief and Guilt After Losing Loved One - Mesothelioma HelpDay-to-day life has changed greatly for my whole family since Dad passed away, but no one’s more so than Mom’s. She and Dad spent all of their time together and she has had to adjust to not having him always there.

Every morning, my parents sat and had coffee. Now, Mom has a cup without him. They would go and run errands together – everything from going out to eat to going to the post office. Now, these are things that Mom has to do by herself.

Little things that Dad always took care of now fall to Mom. Dad always cut the grass, took out the garbage, fixed anything and everything that might need fixing. Thankfully, other people have been filling in to help out with a lot of these kinds of things, but it was still different when Dad would do them.

Mom has been spending a lot of time visiting us at our home, spending time with family and friends, and doing her best to enjoy her new retirement. But it’s still not the same. There will always be a void there that only Dad could fill.

I have mentioned many times how much I admire my Mom and how strong she is. She inspires me every day to do my best to handle every situation and challenge with grace. Please pray for her and for all who have lost a loved one. Every one of us needs your prayers.

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